Dec 16 / cycle 1013 charts available

Please let me know if you have any issues updating.

Next update will be Jan 13:

Note: this chart update has High enroute IFR charts as well, but you need v2.5 to view them.

3 thoughts on “Dec 16 / cycle 1013 charts available

  1. I did the 2.5 update… It says to download the latest SkyCharts and update to current charts… After the chart download it still says:
    Cycle: 1012
    Effective 11/18/2010
    Expires: 12/16/2010

  2. I do have the HFR. That’s pretty cool!

    I get asked to update every time I start the app and if I do by still says:
    Cycle: 1012
    Effective 11/18/2010
    Expires: 12/16/2010

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