Oct 21 charts available

AKA cycle 1011
The chart cycles are available here.
Marinara Islands and Samoan Islands insets are now available (from Hawaii chart).
KZUN is now visible.

8 thoughts on “Oct 21 charts available

  1. Heikki,

    Downloads worked smooth this time. No hiccups. Thanks.

    Question: What mountain (ski resort) is in the picture on your startup screen?

      • Cool. Thanks.

        Here’s something new I’ve noticed w/in the last several days: The TAF’s are not updating sometimes. For example, right now all of the civilian TAFs are over 9 hours old. The metars and the TAFs for the military fields are up to date. Any ideas?



  2. Where is the long overdue update to your original SkyCharts app? If you are not going to update then you own us a refund or an upgrade path the new Pro version.

    • The biggest difference between the apps is that the Pro runs on the iPad, the regular version does not.
      So unless you do have an iPad you are set.
      I’m working on an upgrade path but I’m not ready to release that yet.
      You do however get updated charts for both versions – if the app doesn’t ask you to update please reboot the device, then start the app and it should prompt you for the chart update.

  3. Hello,

    I am looking for a VFR GPS for my iPhone.
    Your application seems to be great but since I am flying in Belgium could you inform me if the belgian vfr chart will be supported?

    Best regards,


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